[Product Launch] Rerun Failed Tests (circleci tests run)


Not the most elegant solution, but I tried it out and it seems to work just fine:

Set up the directories (coverage/e2e, artifacts/playwright/report/, playwright-reports) as an initial step in your job.

Then when the job runs, if it’s a parallel run that is running tests, those directories will get written with contents and persisted to the workspace just fine. If it’s a parallel run that is not running tests, your persist_to_workspace step should not fail because the directories are present.

Something like:

      - checkout
      - run: mkdir no_files_here
      - run: #test command with circleci tests run
      - store_test_results:
          path: ./test-results
      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./test-results 
      - persist_to_workspace:
          root: . 
            - no_files_here

In the example above, no_files_here is the equivalent of your coverage/e2e, etc. directories.

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